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Setting Test Control Parameters This section describes how to set the duration for a test, the resolution of the test history, how to start and stop a test, and how to calibrate the instrument for jitter tests. It also lists parameters that cannot be adjusted during a test and other actions that cannot be performed while a test is running. CTS850 SDH/PDH Test Set Setting the Test Time Duration Before running a test, you must specify how long the test will run. The default test duration is continuous, which means a test runs until you stop it with the START/STOP button. NOTE. Most jitter tests run for a fixed duration. You do not need to set test duration for jitter tests. To set the duration of a test: Press Menu Select Menu Highlight Button Page Parameter Select Choice TEST SETUPS TEST CONTROL Test Duration 5 min (see Figure 3 12) 15 min 1 hour Continuous USER DEFINED H Select Continuous to set the test to run until the START/STOP button is pressed. If you select Continuous, the CTS850 CTS850 SDH/PDH Test Set User Manual 3 33 Setting Test Control Parameters accumulates measurements from the time you start the test until the time you stop the test. Once the test duration is set, any time a test is started it will run for the time specified on the Test Duration line. NOTE. If an instrument setup or pass/fail test is recalled from memory or disk, it overwrites the test duration specified on the TEST TIME page. Figure 3 12:The Test Control Page Setting a Unique Test Time Duration To set a test duration time other than the three choices presented, use the USER DEFINED choice. 3 34 CTS850 SDH/PDH Test Set User Manual Setting Test Control Parameters To set a unique test duration: Press Menu Select Menu Highlight Button Page Parameter Select Choice TEST SETUPS TEST CONTROL none USER DEFINED (see Figure 3 13) Day Hour Minute Second

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