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K Service Source Power Macintosh G3 Desktop K Service Source Hot Issues Power Macintosh G3 Desktop Hot Issues Introduction - 1 Introduction This chapter is designed to highlight unique or high- priority product issues that you should be aware of before servicing the Power Macintosh G3 Desktop computer. This chapter alerts you to important issues and provides links to other areas in the manual where more complete information can be found. This chapter is not intended to replace other parts of this manual; it merely provides a pointer to pertinent information in those chapters. To familiarize yourself with a new product family, always read the Basics chapter in its entirety. Hot Issues Shared Logic Board - 2 Shared Logic Board The Power Macintosh G3 Desktop and Minitower computers use the same logic board, but there are jumper settings that differ between them (see "Jumper Location J28" and "Jumper Location J16" in the Troubleshooting chapter). Processor Module Vs. Card Whereas previous Power Macintosh computers featured a user-installable processor card, this logic board uses a processor module that must not be removed by the customer (see "Processor Module" in the Take-Apart chapter). Hot Issues Power Supply Jumper - 3 Power Supply Jumper The Power Macintosh G3 Desktop logic board has a power supply jumper, which is installed at J28. The setting of this jumper differs between the Power Mac G3 Desktop and Minitower. Failure to install this jumper in the correct position may result in a computer that won't boot up. (See "Jumper Location J28" in the Troubleshooting chapter.) Processor Module Jumper The Power Macintosh G3 Desktop logic board has a processor module jumper, which is installed at J16. The processor jumper is color coded for the speed of processor module used. Failure to install the correct jumper may result in a computer that won't boot up. (See "Jumper Location J16" in the Troubleshooting chapter.) Hot Issues Warranty Sticker - 4 Warranty Sticker There is a warranty sticker that covers the processor module jumper. The customer's warranty is void if this sticker is tampered with. Service Providers must replace this sticker if they have removed it during servicing to protect the customer's warra

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