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Now downloading free:xerox CSL-93-17 Papers from the SunDragon Project

xerox CSL-93-17 Papers from the SunDragon Project free download

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Papers from the SunDragon Project Papers from the SunDragon Project A CMOS Low Voltage Swing Transmission Line Transceiver, by Bill Gunning, Leo Yuan, Trung Nguyen, and Tony Wong. XDBus: A High-Performance, Consistent, Packet-Switched VLSI Bus, by Pradeep Sindhu, Jean-Marc Frailong, Jean Gastinel, Michel Cekleov, Leo Yuan, Bill Gunning, and Don Curry. The Next-Generation SPARC Multiprocessing System Architecture, by Jean-Marc Frailong, Michel Cekleov, Pradeep Sindhu, Jean Gastinel, Mike Splain, Jeff Price, and Ashok Singhal. SPARCcenter 2000: Multiprocessing for the 90's! by Michel Cekleov, David Yen, Pradeep Sindhu, Jean-Marc Frailong, jean Castinel, Mike Splain, jeff Price, Gary Beck, Bjorn Liencres, Fred Cerauskis, Chip Coffin, Dave Bassett, David Broniarczyk, Steve Fosth, Tim Nguyen, Raymond Ng, Jeff Hoel, Don Curry, Leo Yuan, Roland Lee, Alex Kwok, Ashok Singhal, Chris Cheng, Greg Dykema, Steve York, Bill Gunning, Bill jackson, Atsushi Kasuya, Dean Angelico, Marc Levitt, Medhi Mothashemi, David Lemenski, Lissy Bland, and Tung Pham. The Years of the Dragon reprinted from "Benchmark" magazine, Spring 1993. CSL-93-17 December 1993 [93-00139] ~ Copyright 1993 Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. CR Categories and Subject Descriptors: B.3.2 [Design Styles]: cache memory, shared memory; C.1.2 [Multiple Data Stream Architectures]: MIMP processors, C.O [General]: system architectures; B.4.3 [Interconnection]: VLSI bus interconnect, backplanes; B.7.1 [Types and Design Styles]: Advanced technologies, input/output circuits Xerox Corporation XEROX Palo Alto Research Center 3333 Coyote Hill Road Palo Alto, California 94304 Introduction From 1988 to 1992 a remarkable cooperation took place between the Computer Science Lab at Xerox PARC and Sun Microsystems. The CSl "Dragon" multiprocessor research project moved in with a development team at Sun to create a series of Sun products based on the Dragon team's inventions in bus and memory architecture. The business details are beyond the scope of this tech report -- but now that products are shipping, accountants on both sides seem to be very happy. Here are five internal reports on aspects of the SunDragon project, as it came to be known. All are also scheduled to be published elsewhere, as indicated with each paper. "A CMOS low Voltage Swing... " describes the basic logic design, known as GTl (Gunning-Transistor-logic) for the SunDragon bus. "XDBus: ... " describes the logic for the bus itself, including its support for cache consistency and its packet-switched protocol. "The Next Generation ... " describes the fuller system architecture of the Sparcente

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