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xerox 19790517 KbdMap.bca free download

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File name:19790517_KbdMap.bca.pdf
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Model:19790517 KbdMap.bca 🔎
Original:19790517 KbdMap.bca 🔎
Descr: xerox notetaker memos 19790517_KbdMap.bca.pdf
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File name 19790517_KbdMap.bca.pdf

tKbdMap.bca 17-May-79 13:18:11 Page 1 NoteTaker Keyboard Map Author: Bruce Horn Last changed: May 17, 1979 1:17 PM ;The following is a table of ascii characters, the KBD Map. ;Offsets are added for: ;Shift = +64 ;Lock = +128 ;Control = +192 ;Control-Shift = +256 ;Since there are only 64 possibilies for keys that are down, ;the offsets are in multiples of 64. ;The first 64 bytes in the table are for keys WITHOUT A META-KEY ;changing its appearance (in ascii). ;The second 64 bytes are for the same keys, but with SHIFT as META ;The third 64 bytes are with LOCK as META ;The fourth 64 bytes are with CONTROL as META ;The fifth 64 bytes are with CONTROL+SHIFT as META ;Total: 320 bytes ;Example: to get the ascii code for the key 'H' with NO META, ;just index by the bit number of that key top. ;with META=SHIFT, index by bit number of keytop+64, and so on. ;META=None Bytes are LOW.HIGH. BUT ARE LABELED IN ORDER, LEFT TO RIGHT (0--1) --'- nnnn .. u_ ... _ .. D.:_ ... +C ... ..:.~ ... .aul vvvv tl"IUU~t:;.1. 1\ '!::J1I1..., .. tl" .adr 0055 ;[ Lock .adr 6S6E ;n h .adr 7267 :g r .adr 0000 ;Mouse3 BottomBlank. .adr 2030 ; .. Space .adr 3860 ;m 8 .adr 7479 ;y t .adr OD7F ;Delete CarriageReturn .adr 7A2E ,. z .adr 006A ;j Control .adr 3109 ;Tab i .adr 5FOO ;Mouse2 .. ~ .adr 0038 LeftShift .adr 6362 ;b c .adr lB66 ;f Escape , .adr 2700 ;MiddleBlank .adr 786C :1 x .adr 7339 ;9 s .adr 3377 ;w 3 .adr 5000 :TopBlank ] .adr 6F2C ,, 0 .adr 6169 ;i a .adr 3271 :q 2 .adr 2FOA ;LineFeed I .adr 3020 , 0 .adr 3775 ;u 7 .adr 3536 ;6 5 .adr 5C08

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