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Now downloading free:xerox 19771019 Debugger Experimental Features

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Inter-Office Memorandum To Mesa Users Date October 19, 1977 From Barbara Koalkin. Jim Sandman Location Palo Alto Subject Debugger - Experimental Features Organization SOD/SO mox SDD ARCHIVES XEROX I have read and undel't.ltood Pages To Bevlewer_________ Date ----- Filed on: [MAXC]XDEBUGFEATURES,BRAVO # of Pages ---- Bef '., n..sol). :-'C/i',J There are three experimental features available with the Mesa 3.0 Debugger. Two of the features are hooks to provide extended capabilities, and the third is a more capable Window Manager. One of the debugger commands is used to provide access to FTP to allow users to retrieve files from remote locations from within the debugger. The other new debugger command allows the user to invoke a special debugging package. The Window Manager has been expanded in an attempt to improve the debugger interface. Each feature will be described below in further detail. We encourage feedback on these features and remind you that due to their experimental nature, they are subject to change. Debugger FrP The Mesa 3.0 debugger now has the capability to invoke a subset of the standard FTP commands from within the debugger environment without having to exit out to the Alto Exec. tF enables the following commands: Open host, directory -- opens a connection to the FTP Server in the specified host and (optional) specified directory. Close connection -- closes the currently open FTP connection. Retrieve filename -- will transfer filename from the remote host to the local host. The filename must conform to the file naming conventions on the remote host. You may designate multiple files by the use of "*" expansion if the remote server supports them (currently Maxc and IFS do). Note that the byte count is printed out truncated to 16 bits. Delete filename -- will try to delete filename from the local host, regardless of whether the file is in use. If it finds it impossible to delete the file due to some of its own pointers that would be left dangling, it will not allow you to do so (e.g., you cannot delete XDebug.Image). Beware of your own references! Free pages -- will tell you how many free pages are left on your disk.

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