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Now downloading free:HP 13256-90001 13256A Firmware Support Package Sep77

HP 13256-90001 13256A Firmware Support Package Sep77 free download

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File name 13256-90001_13256A_Firmware_Support_Package_Sep77.pdf

HP 13256A FIRMWARE SUPPORT PACKAGE Reference Manual Part Number: 13256-90001 Printed: September 1977 Section I. INTRODUCTION General Information The HP 13256A is made up of a 9-track magnetic tape containing HP 2645A terminal source code, an HP 8080 Cross Assembler program, and various data files and utility programs. The assembler is designed to run on an HP RTE-II or RTE-III system. This allows you to use the RTE system file manager, editor and other library programs available on the RTE system. The system must contain an HP 79708 magnetic tape drive. The remaining descriptions in this manual assume that you are familiar with the HP RTE system, RTE file manager, and the RTE editor. The HP 13256A tape files are described in table 1. Table 1. H P 13256A Tape File Content Length File Name Description Type In Blocks X13256 Transfer file containing bootstrap AS (4) 4 file loader Terminal Code KY36CI 2645A Keyboard code AS (3) 266 DC14FI 2645A Data Comm code AS (3) 239 PT774 I 2645A Main code AS (3) 1466 102601 2645A I/O code AS (3) 1029 MPTS211 2645A Multipoint code AS (3) 823 Cross Assembler Relocatable %ITL80 8080 Cross Assembler SR (5) 136 Relocatable Module %RTERD Assembly Utility Routines SR (5) 3 Relocatable Module %.. MAP Virtual Memory Package SR (5) 2 %DCLVA SR (5) 1 %VAOD SR (5) 5 XITL80 Transfer file to load 8080 AS (4) 2 assembler &GNCRA Programs to generate C RC AS (4) 5 &GNCRS and checksum characters 90 &AMROM Program to prepare AMO ROMs AS (4) 43 AS = ASCII Source SR = IBinary Relocatable block =: 256 bytes 1-1 RTE System Software File Manager The RTE File Manager can be used to store, list, and dump source programs. However, it cannot be us

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