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TO: ALTOUSERS February 24, 1975 FROf.1: B. Hunt SOBJECT: THE MAINTENANC~ AND DOCUMENTATION OF ALTO SUB-SYSTEMS. The following are some ideas which I have r~garding the implementation of new releases of altri software. I would appreciate any suggestions whi~h you may have which would be beneficial in establishing an acceptable procedure for handling the maintenance and documentation of alto sub-systems. 1. The Maxc Directories. The maintainer of a sub-system, when he has a new release. would submit the following ~ackage to me: a) The name of the source fi1e(s). b} The name of an @-file which may be used to create the new executable file(s") from this source. c) A message describi~g the changes which will be effective "with this release. "The subject ~f this message should be the name ~f the sub-system. In the case of emergency changes. he may update the

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