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Now downloading free:AT&T Version 3.51 UNIX Utilities

AT&T Version 3.51 UNIX Utilities free download

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Model:Version 3.51 UNIX Utilities 🔎
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Descr: AT&T 3b1 Version_3.51_UNIX_Utilities.pdf
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Version 3.51 UNIX Utilities You'll find the following software included with Version 3.51 of the UNIX Utilities: Development Set (8 Disks)-Libraries and tools for developing software applications. Document Preparation (4 Disks)-Text formatting tools. Enhanced Editors (1 Disk)-Contains editors: vi, edit, ex and view; UNIX command bfs. Curses/Terminfo Programmer's Package (1 Disk)- Upgrades curses library routines to System V Release 3. You MUST install the Development Set PRIOR to installing this package. VDI (1 Disk)-Virtual Device Interface Library (GSS-Drivers C-Language Binding). Windowing Utilities (Xt/Layers) (1 Disk)-Windowing Utilities for AT&T 5620, 615, and 620 Terminals. All of these disks are optional. Some, however, may depend on one or more other disks being installed. These are noted above. - - - - - - - - - - - Important Information, Version 3.51 AT&T UNIX PC Utilities

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