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Now downloading free:xerox 19770819 August Status Report For Common Software

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~/IC'R\O'I I~L \.\ 1/\ Information Products Group Systems Development Division August 19, 1977 To: Wendell Shultz, D. Liddle Copies to: SO Managers, D. DeSantis, E. Harslem, S. Wallace, 1. \Vick From: Charles I rby Subject: August Status Report for Common Softw~lfe Filed on: Progress. A ug Munagcl11ent Review Committee Demo A full demo was given for Jack Lewis and some of his people {Adams, Conway, Gingrich,. Holland, Lanes, Padalino, Potter, Tregub}. Although preparation was somewhat tense (Murphy's Law had LIS by the throat all morning!), the demo went well, with very few hardware, software, or people failures. Bob, David, Jan, Gail, and Bev all performed admi rably. The demo took somewhat longer than expected. We hope to correct for this before the demo to the MRC. The 1 September date for that demo has become uncertain because of McCardell's resignation. Also, plans for video taping the demo have not been solidified. VIe were unable to connect with the A&E ethernet prior to the Lewis demo because the cables would not fit through the underground conduit connecting the two buildings. Thus, we were not able to conduct that part of the demo. We showed eight vignettes of generic word processing/document creation tasks including text editing, format editing, form letters, statistical tables and formulas, records management, graphics, and form design and fillin. In doing so, we utilized 13ravo 7.0, Desktop, Formula (McGregor/Kimball), Form-Letter (Kimball), Find (Deutsch), Sil, and Spruce. Ralph generated an improved set of fonts for the Sequoia prior to the demo. User Interface Specification The user interface group is carefully reviewing the recent Janus-1 Functional Specification. To date, Ralph and I have been unable to devote much time to this review because of the MRC demo preparations. We will both have it read by the time we come back from our respective vacations (on the 29th). A formal review has been setup for Sept 1 and 2 in Palo Alto. Data Management Work is progressing well on the format and interface to higher level file directories. Several design memos were produced. In addition, our data management people are helping with the Pilot File System design. Richard Moore will start work on 22 August. Diamond anti Desktop Jack Newlin's work in Diamond is complete for the time being. He is now working on graphics in Desktop, making them more like the Janus Functional Spec to test its validity ancl to test some other competitive ideas. Dave Smith has re-implemented the Desktop window and menu mechanisms to conform to the Janus Functional Spec. He is also bcgining work with the new compiled smalltalk. aiding people in EI Segundo who wish to lise it for prototyping. The formula/table software is being i

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