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Now downloading free:Tektronix TEKscope V12 1

Tektronix TEKscope V12 1 free download

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CONTENTS Tekscope Customer information from Tektronix, Inc. Beaverton, Oregon 97077 Editor: Gordon Allison Acting Editor: Art Andersen A Portable High-Performance Tekscope is a bimonthly publication of Tek- Microwave Spectrum Analyzer tronix, Inc. In it you will find articles covering The Tektronix 492 will make state-of-the-art the entire scope of Tektronix' products. Techni- measurements over the range of 50 kHz to 220 cal articles discuss what's new in circuit and GHz, both in the laboratory and under severe component design, measurement capability, environmental conditions. and measurement technique. A new products section gives a brief description of products re- cently introduced and provides an opportunity to request further information. The Tektronix 492 Is A New-Generation Spectrum Analyzer A few years from now, someone will undoubt- edly introduce a new spectrum analyzer that improves on the 492. But that is in the future. The 492 is here today. Making Measurements with the 492 Some measurements showing the high stability and signal purity capabilities of the 492. Packaging A Spectrum Analyzer for Performance, Maintainability And Survival Designing and producing a portable package which would enable the 492 to meet MIL-T- 28800B was a challenging experience. The key to success was the design of a crt capable of withstanding severe vibrations and shock. A First Converter With Field Replaceable Diodes Field replacement of mixer diodes exposed to Cover: The 492 Spectrum Analyzer, equally at excessive voltage is easy in the 492, but that is home in the field as it is in the laboratory. just one benefit. Tekscope A Switching Power Supply For The 492 Spectrum Analyzer The weight of conventional supplies have made the high-performance portable spectrum analyzer a rarity until now. Copyright

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