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Now downloading free:xerox 19790904 NoteTaker Revisited

xerox 19790904 NoteTaker Revisited free download

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Model:19790904 NoteTaker Revisited 🔎
Original:19790904 NoteTaker Revisited 🔎
Descr: xerox notetaker memos 19790904_NoteTaker_Revisited.pdf
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PALO ALTO RESEARCH CENTER Systems Science Laboratory September 4,1979 To: R. J. Spinrad From: W. R. Sutherland Subject: NoteTake r Revisited Stored: (Treichel)wrs-rjs-notetakerrevisited.bravo Bob, Now at the end of the summer, here is an update on NoteTaker status, a review of plans, and a plea for additional 1979 funds. The situation is well described in the attached note from Doug Fairbairn. In June, you were unable to respond positively to my request for additional dollar help, believing I think that a 1980 build was ephemeral. This summer we have been in a chicken/egg situation: soliciting from firm orders was unreal without the ,development funds to finish, and without orders, finishing development was equally ~~rir~ci{" A$. ~:.result,

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