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Now downloading free:TOSHIBA hfe toshiba w-704 service en

TOSHIBA hfe toshiba w-704 service en free download

VCR, VHS, tape drives service manuals and repair information

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Model:hfe toshiba w-704 service en 🔎
Original:hfe toshiba w-704 service en 🔎
Descr: TOSHIBA Video W-704 hfe_toshiba_w-704_service_en.pdf
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File name hfe_toshiba_w-704_service_en.pdf

FILE NO. 110-200003 SERVICE MANUAL NC MECHANICAL DECK VIDEO CASSETTE RECORDER W-704 General Descriptions General Descriptions Adjustment Procedures Procedures Servicing Diagrams Servicing diagrams Parts List Part Feb., 2000 Y SAFETY NOTICE SAFETY PRECAUTIONS LEAKAGE CURRENT CHECK Plug the AC line cord directly into a 120V AC outlet (do Measure the AC voltage across the 1500 W resistor. not use an isolation transformer for this check). Use an The test must be conducted with the AC switch on and AC Voltmeter, having 5000 W per volt or more sensitiv- then repeated with the AC switch off. The AC voltage ity. Connect a 1500 W 10 W resistor, paralleled by a indicated by the meter may not exceed 0.3 V. A read- 0.15

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