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Now downloading free:Sanyo Sanyo DP19640 P19640-02 N8ZF [SM]

Sanyo Sanyo DP19640 P19640-02 N8ZF [SM] free download

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SANYO Factory Code 19N8ZF Service Reference NO. 410 DP19640 SERVICE MANUAL 18.5" HDTV LCD SUPPLEMENT MFR'S VERSION B This SUPPLEMENT must be used together with SERVICE MANUAL for DP19640 . All other test and repair procedures are as shown in the ORIGINAL MANUAL. Please file this SUPPLEMENT with the ORIGINAL VERSIONS. Design and specifications are subject to change with out notice. ELECTRICAL REPLACEMENT PARTS LIST 19N8ZE 19N8ZF REF. NO. PART NO. DESCRIPTION PART NO. DESCRIPTION IC2802 IGXM05162E IC H5PS5162FFR-S5C ILHM05121E IC M14D5121632A-2.5BG MEMORY DATA EEPROM 512K SOIC MEMORY DATA EEPROM 512K SOIC IC2803 S3AI03WE01 S3AI04UE02 AT24C512BN-SH-T AT24C512BN-SH-T MEMORY DATA EEPROM 2K I2C MEMORY DATA EEPROM 2K I2C IC3601 S3AI03WE02 S3AI04UE01 AT24C02BN-SH-T AT24C02BN-SH-T PCBF40 A3AI03WF40 MAIN PCB ASS'Y CMJ156A A3AI04UF40 MAIN PCB ASS'Y CMJ156A ! V2801 A3AI03W360 LCD MODULE ASS'Y M185B1-P01 A3AI04U360 LCD MODULE ASS'Y CLAB185WA02 SPEC.NO. M3AI-04U O/R NO. K043061

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