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Now downloading free:xerox 19780311 NoteTaker Debugging Plan

xerox 19780311 NoteTaker Debugging Plan free download

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File name:19780311_NoteTaker_Debugging_Plan.pdf
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Model:19780311 NoteTaker Debugging Plan 🔎
Original:19780311 NoteTaker Debugging Plan 🔎
Descr: xerox notetaker memos 19780311_NoteTaker_Debugging_Plan.pdf
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File name 19780311_NoteTaker_Debugging_Plan.pdf

NoteTaker A Portable Computing System XEROX PALO ALTO RESEARCH CENTER Systems Science Laboratory LSI Systems Area March 11, 1978 For Xerox Internal Use Only Subject: NoteTaker Debugging Plan From: Douglas Fairbairn filed on [IVY] nt >NTDebugplan.nt The following describes in more or less detail the plan of how the NoteTaker boards and system will be debugged. This plan of course represents a compromise between time and thoroughness. As we iearn more of the typicai faiiure modes of the system, we can modify the procedures as appropriate. The testing VJi!! be divided into three phases: chip testing, board testing and system testing. Successful passage

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