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Inter-Office Memorandum To Debugger Working Group Date October 31, 1978 From Barbara Koalkin Location Palo Alto Subject Minutes - October 30 Organization SDD/SD litO! SDD AaCijlVES XEROX I have read and und~ (..' Pages_________TQ~ Filed on: [IRIS] D5 >DWG10-30.BRAVO Reviewer Date_ _ . I of Pages Ref .2SSPi) -~as- Present at today's meeting: Ayers, Johnsson, Karlton, Koalkin, Satterthwaite, and Wallace. The following is a summary of suggestions discussed at today's meeting: * Progress has been made by Smokey and Phil towards creating a model of the debugger/WindEx using the Tools environment. They expect to have a workable model by mid-week so we can do some experiments. * For the time being, type-in goes to the window containing the cursor (as in the Tools Environment). * We all agreed that variables should be interpreted in the stack window in the context of whatever is "bulleted" (Le., marked). We will have to do some experiments to see whether echoing of the input characters will be done in a subwindow of the stack window or in an interpreter window. However, the Debug.Typescript equivalent window will be capable of doing "contextless" interpreting (Le., arithmetic). * To change the context: select one of the context keywordS and: * push down the menu button. A menu of the choices will appear. Letting up the button over one of the choices (or outside the menu to indicate no change) will make that the context. We still need to look into how we will display a large list of information (as in 50 modules in a configuration) and indent to show the structure (for nested configurations). * OR type in the new context terminated by CR. Smokey can provide a mechanism for this sort of "field fill-in". * There is no "THE current context" (as refered to in the previous memo); however, each window has a context that is used for symbol-lookup (and marked in some way to indicate tilis). * The initial window con

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