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Now downloading free:HP HP-Catalog-1962-05-Short

HP HP-Catalog-1962-05-Short free download

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File name:HP-Catalog-1962-05-Short.pdf
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Size:2973 kB
Model:HP-Catalog-1962-05-Short 🔎
Original:HP-Catalog-1962-05-Short 🔎
Descr: HP Publikacje HP-Catalog-1962-05-Short.pdf
Group:Electronics > Other
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HP Archive This vintage Hewlett Packard document was preserved and distributed by www. Please visit us on the web ! On-line curator: Glenn Robb DC to 1 , 0 0 0 NIC, Measuring ease f o r nanosecond region Bright, clear 5" scope trace, even at low repetition rates .Less than 0.4 nanosecond rise time Here's fatigue-free viewing of repetitive short pulses requiring a bandwidth up to 1,000 MC. With the @ 185B Sampling Oscilloscope and 187B plug-in amplifier, the 3 db point is beyond 800 MC, rise time less than 0.4 nsec. @ 187B Dual Trace Amplifier per- mits comparison of two high-speed phenomena simultaneously for highly accurate time measurements. Vertical sensitivity 10 mv/cm to 200 mv/cm, vernier to 4 mv/cm. Dy- namic range, 4 mv to 2 v peak. 100,000 ohm probes minimize circuit loading. Horizontal sweep 0.1 nsec/cm (with expander, 0.04 ns/cm with vernier) to 10 psec/cm. Delayed sync pulse available on front panel for triggering circuits under test. X - Y recorder output, time and amplitude calibrators, beam finder. @ 185B, $2,300.00; @ 187B, $1,000.00. @ l 8 5 B with 1878 @ 185s Oscilloscope Accessories tor Maximum Flexibility Overall versatility of the 185B Oscilloscope and 187B Dual Trace New Switching Time Tester Amplifier is increased with a wide variety of accessories. In ad- dition to the 185B-21A Sync Probe furnished with the scope, 4 re- sistive divider probes are available: 185A-21C, D , E, and F have division ratios (when terminated by 50 ohms) of 5,10, 50 and 100 to 1 respectively, $40.00 each. Two @ 187A-76A BNC Adapters, 0 186A Switching furnished with the 187B, permit connection to BNC fittings. Time Tester, really @ 187A-76B Type N Connector is a straight-through connection, four instruments in $10.00. @187B-76C 10:1 Divider permits viewing of signals as one, plugs into @ 185 large as 20 v peak-to-peak, $40.00. @ 18

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