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HP HP-Catalog-1948 free download

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HP Archive This vintage Hewlett Packard document was preserved and distributed by www. Please visit us on the web ! On-line curartor: Glenn Robb AUDIO OSCILLATORS AUDIO SIGNAL GENERATORS VACUUM TUBE VOLTMETERS UHF SIGNAL GENERATORS FREQUENCY STANDARDS SQUARE WAVE GENERATORS WAVE ANALYZERS DISTORTION ANALYZERS AMPLIFIERS ATTENUATORS ELECTRONIC FREQUENCY METERS FM BROADCAST MONITORS REGULATED POWER SUPPLIES ELECTRON IC TACHOMETERS CATALOG 19-A laboratory instruments F O R S P E E D A N D A C C U R A C Y HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY 395 PAGE MILL R O A D PALO ALTO, C A L I F O R N I A INDEX A complete, easy-to-use index of all -hp- in- struments will be found inside this cover flap. This quick-reference index lists -hp- instru- ments by function and model number, and gives brief data on frequency range and other characteristics. CATALOG 19-A HEWLETT- PACKARD COMPANY 395 PAGE MILL ROAD*PALO ALT0, CALIFORNIA FREQUENCY CHARACTERISTICS PAGES 10 Binding Post 33 HARDWARE-': Flexible coupler, ceramic insulated; permits mis- 14 alignment of 1/32" and/or 5' 33 100A 100 kc, 10 kc, 1 kc, 100 cps Accuracy 3 cps per mc per degree Centigrade 30-3 1 LOWFREQUENCY STANDARDS : 100B 100 kc, 10 kc, 1 kc, 100 cps Temperature controlled; accuracy 0.001 % 30-3 1 Controlled by 100A or 100B. Multipliers also FREQUENCY DIVIDER 110 100 to 10 cps available up to 1 mc 30-31 200A 35 to 35,000 cps Output 1 watt into 500 ohms; 1 % distortion 4-5-6-7 .. . . "--- 200B 20 to 20,000 cps Output 1 watt into 500 ohms; 1 distortion 4-5-6-7

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