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Agilent Accurate Impedance Measurement with Cascade Microtech Probe System Application Note 1369-3 1. Introduction More ICs or circuit modules are used in electronic circuits to save spaces, more capacitors or inductors, such as thin dielectric layers and pattern inductors, tend to be developed on wafer or substrate. These devices usually have a small capacitance or inductance like pF, nH range. The Agilent E4991A RF Impedance/ Material Analyzer and Agilent 4294A Precision Impedance Analyzer have a wide impedance coverage as well as a good accuracy and offer an accurate on-wafer or micro-component impedance measurement solution with probe stations. In this application note, details of installation and calibration methods are discussed. 2. 1-Port Impedance Measurement Application using Probe Station Table 2-1 shows major 1-port impedance measurement series with a probe station can provide very good applications. Capacitance or inductance needs to be performances for these applications. Agilent has two evaluated in these applications. In many cases, the wide impedance analyzers that cover different frequency impedance coverage and the good accuracy are required ranges. Each solution is discussed from next chapter. to make these measurements. Agilent impedance analyzer Table 2-1. 1-Port Impedance Measurement Application using Probe Station Application Parameter Final product Frequency Measurement requirement Spiral inductor L, Q RFIC for mobile phone GHz - Low inductance (nH range) - High Q IC package C, L IC package GHz - Low inductance (nH range) - Low capacitance (pF range) Transistor diode C CMOS FET MHz, GHz - C-V measurement Pin diode Transistor/diode for optical Memory C, D FRAM, DRAM, SRAM MHz, GHz - Low capacitance (pF) Loop inductors of circuit L, C High-speed digital GHz - Low inductance (nH range) pattern, stray capacitance - Low capacitance (pF range) of circuit patterns Dielectric material C, D Thin film layer, PC board MHz, GHz - Wide impedance range - Low-loss Disk head

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