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HP 5988-4923EN free download

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Agilent Introduction to the Fixture Simulator Function of the ENA Series RF Network Analyzers: Network De-embedding/Embedding and Balanced Measurement Product Note E5070/71-1 Introduction In modern RF circuit evaluation, RF engineers are often required to process the measured S-parameters for various reasons. This is mainly because of the fact that RF network analyzers only allow measurement at well-defined 50 single-ended coaxial interfaces, while current RF components take various forms in order to cope with the ever increasing requirements for smaller size, smaller power consumption, lower price, and so forth. The post measurement data processing is time-consuming work including calculation with an external computer and data transfer between the computer and the analyzer. The fixture simulator is a built-in function of the ENA Series network analyzer, which significantly simplifies and speeds up the post measurement data processing. The fixture simulator contributes to the following four major applications:

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