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Now downloading free:HP HP-Catalog-1954-05-Short

HP HP-Catalog-1954-05-Short free download

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File name:HP-Catalog-1954-05-Short.pdf
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Size:6134 kB
Model:HP-Catalog-1954-05-Short 🔎
Original:HP-Catalog-1954-05-Short 🔎
Descr: HP Publikacje HP-Catalog-1954-05-Short.pdf
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File name HP-Catalog-1954-05-Short.pdf

-hp- Oscillators - Signal Generators .01 to 10,000,000 cps -hp- 200 SERIES AUDIO OSCILLATORS , ~nstrument I P r i m a r y Uses IFrequency Range I Output I Price Four widely used -hp- oscilla- -hp- 200A8 I Audio tests I 20 cps t o 40 kc I I watV24.5 v 1 $l20.00 tors have been redesigned into two compact, lightweight instru- ments offering wider frequency range, more operating simplic- -hp- ZOOCD -hp- ZOO1 Audio, ultrasonic tests Interpolation and frequency measurements 5 cps t o 600 kc 6 cps t o 6 kc 160 mw/20 v 130 mw/lO v * 1- 150.00 ity, highest accuracy and stabil- -hp- 2007 Telemetry, carrier current tests 250 cps t o 100 kc I60 mw/20 v * 350.00 ity. New Models 200AB and -ho- 2018 H i a h aualitv audio tests 20 CDS t o 20 kc 3 w/42.5 v 200CD replace Models 200A through 200D, retain the time- -hp- 202A Low frequency measurements .01 cps t o I kc 20 mw/lO v 465.00A tested RC circuits that insure -hp- 2028 Low frequency measurements '12 cps t o 50 kc 100 mw/lO v 365.00A constant output, low distortion; require no zero set. -hp- also offers Model 202D for sub-audio, -hD- 202D

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