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Now downloading free:HP HP-Bench-Briefs-1992-01-03

HP HP-Bench-Briefs-1992-01-03 free download

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File name HP-Bench-Briefs-1992-01-03.pdf

SERVICE INFORMATION FROM HEWLETT-PACKARD 1st Quarter 1992 FAX Information Retrieval Support Technology Call H P FIRST is one of the new 0 An additional avenue for support ers and utilities. New information is themes coming from Hewlett-Pack- information added and updated monthly. ard. HP FAX Information Retrieval 0 Worldwide access. Support Technology (HI' FIRST) is the The test and measurement section of fast, easy way to get hardcopy sup- HP FIRST has grown to include data port information - straight from a Currently, HP FIRST provides 24- sheets for the new products of 1992. FAX. hour access to support materials for At this time HP FIRST provides in ex- test and measurement instruments, cess of 80 data sheets for test and mea- New, exciting benefits are offered to PCs and peripherals, and HI' 9000, surement customers and dealers. HI' customers and dealers through HP 3000, and 1000 systems. Support ma- FIRST is expected to offer even more FIRST, including: terials available include application support information to our customers notes, data sheets, material safety in the near future. We are growing 24-hour access, 7 days a week data sheets (MSDS), service notes, and changing every month. To re- Immediate access to current infor- price lists, lists of supporting ceive the latest information on what mation software/hardware, upgrade forms, HP FIRST has to offer, call and select 0 Hard copy for future reference and directions on how to obtain driv- the test and measurement index. This [continued on page 5) Policy Changes to the Parts Identification Department at Hewlett-Packard Randy WagnerlHewlett-Packard the identification, verification and Monday through Friday (excluding description of HP service parts re- HI' holidays). The department is HP has introduced several major quired to maintain and repair HP closed each Friday between 2O p.m. :O changes within its parts identification hardware products. and 3:30 p.m. Pacific Standard Time. sector. These changes, effective 1April 1992, are detailed below. New Department Hours Supports All HP Customers HP Service Parts Identifi

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