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HP HP PN seminar free download

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5 PHASE f:J - - . . .-_ ,: t, .,i/. - : r l I ., r . : ,ill Noise Phase ment Seminar ...,il' ' I .t ; , ;t., .rl Welcometo the Phase Noise Measurement Seminar. Tbday,measuring and specifying phase noise has become WELCOME THE TO increasingly important as phase noise is often the HEwLErr PAcKARD limiting factor in many RF and microwave systems.Both ftit oscillators and deviceshave phase noise associatedwith RF and ltlcrowave them that must be measured. PhaseNolee lleasurementSemlnar It,r l\l t\ so(f)l \ I \--- 2MH? We want to encourageinteractive discussion throughout today's seminar so that we can all share your measurement problems and experiences.We hope to benefit, too, with new applications awateness, measurement conditions, and measurement technique. Tb PHASE NOISE CHARACTERIZATION start, we'd like a list from you ofissues and concernsthat OF SOURCES AND DEVICES you'd like to seeresolved in this seminar and in particular the types ofsources or devicesthat you must characterize and their frequency ranges. TypicolSources: Crystol Oscillotors YIG Oscillotors SAWOscillotors DROs Synthesizers Covity Oscillotors Typicol Devices: Amplifiers Multipliers Dividers WHATELSE? /

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