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AppleCare Document: 9805 Login | My Support | Guided | Expert | Archive | Help | Feedback Login to email this document. Login to save to "My Support." TITLE Article ID: 9805 Created: 2/25/92 Mac OS System Error Codes: 0 to -261 Modified: 3/28/02 TOPIC The following list provides an explanation of system errors 0 to -261. DISCUSSION Notes 1. Items listed in [brackets] are old result code meanings. 2. ???? This information was not available. I/O System Errors -17 controlErr Driver can't respond to Control call -18 statusErr Driver can't respond to Status call -19 readErr Driver can't respond to Read call -20 writErr Driver can't respond to Write call -21 badUnitErr Driver ref num doesn't match unit table -22 unitEmptyErr Driver ref num specifies NIL handle in unit table Requested read/write permission doesn't match -23 openErr driver's open permission, or Attempt to open RAM serial Driver failed Close failed; Permission to close .MPP driver was -24 closErr denied -25 dRemovErr tried to remove an open driver -26 dInstErr DrvrInstall couldn't find driver in resources IO call aborted by KillIO; Publisher has written a new -27 abortErr edition *OR* -27 iIOAbortErr IO abort error (Printing Manager) -28 notOpenErr Couldn't rd/wr/ctl/sts cause driver not opened -29 unitTblFullErr Unit table has no more entries 1

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