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Now downloading free:xerox Version.mesa Oct77

xerox Version.mesa Oct77 free download

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File name:Version.mesa_Oct77.pdf
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Size:241 kB
Model:Version.mesa Oct77 🔎
Original:Version.mesa Oct77 🔎
Descr: xerox mesa 3.0_1977 listing Version.mesa_Oct77.pdf
Group:Electronics > Other
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Version.mesa 25-0CT-77 16:23:13 Page 1 -- Version.Mesa Edited by Wick on October 8, 1977 6:48 PM DIRECTORY AltoFileDefs: FROM "altofiledefs", BcdDefs: FROM "bcddefs", DirectoryDefs: FROM "directorydefs", ImageDefs: FROM "imagedefs", IODefs: FROM "iodefs", SegmentDefs: FROM "segmentdefs", StreamDefs: FROM "streamdefs", StringDefs: FROM "StringDefs", TimeDefs: FROM "timedefs"; DEFINITIONS FROM 10Defs, StreamDefs, StringDefs; Version: PROGRAM IMPORTS DireetoryDefs, IODefs, SegmentDefs, StreamDefs, StringDefs, TimeDefs SHARES ImageDefs = BEGIN FP: TYPE = AltoFileDefs.FP; BcdBase: TYPE = POINTER TO BcdDefs.BCD; UnpackedTime: TYPE = TimeDefs.UnpaekedTime; BinaryVersion: PROCEDURE [info: POINTER TO FileInfo] BEGIN OPEN SegmentDefs; bed: BedBase; seg: FileSegmentHandle .. NewFileSegment[lnsertFile[@info.fp.Read],l,l,Read]: Swapln[seg]; bed" FileSegmentAddress[seg]: SELECT bcd.versionident FROM BedDefs.VersionID => BEGIN PrintVersion[bed.version]: WriteChar[CR]; IF info.ty,e=objeet AND verbose THEN BEGIN IF bcd.nPages > 1 THEN BEGIN Unloek[seg]: MoveFileSegment[seg,l,bcd.nPages]: SwapIn[seg]: bed" FileSegmentAddress[seg]: END: , PrintFileVersions[bed]: END; END: ImageDefs.VerSionID => BEGIN PrintVersion[bcd.version]; Wr iteChar[CR]: END; ENDCASE => BEGIN WriteString[" bad version 10 "]: WriteDeeimal[bed.versionident]; WriteChar[CR]; END: Unloek[seg]; DeleteFileSegment[seg]; RETURN END; SoureeOate: PROC[OURE [info: POINT[R TO FileInfo] BEGIN date: TimeDefs,UnpaekedTime .. [O.O.O.O.O.O.FALSE]; index: CAROINAL[O .. 12); stream: StreamHandle; token: STRING .. [40]; found: BOOlFAN; stream .. CreateRyLeStream[ SegmentOefs.Insertrile[@info.fp.Read].Read]; UNTIL Getlndex[stream].page # 0 00 rNARLf Streamfrror =) [XIT; N I t e111 [ 5 l ream. to ken] ; ext Version.mesa 25-0CT-77 15:23:13 Page 2 [found,index] ~ IsMonth[token]; IF found THEN BEGIN NextItem[stream,token]; IF IsNumber[token] THEN BEGIN date.month ~ index: ~ StringToDecimal[token]; NextItem[stream,token]; IF IsNumber[token] THEN date.year ~ StringToDecimal[token]: NextItem[stream,token]; IF IsNumber[token] THEN BEGIN date.hour ~ StringToDecimal[token]: NextItem[stream,token]: IF IsNumber[token] THEN date.minute ~ StringToDecimal[token]; NextItem[stream,token];

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