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Now downloading free:HP HP-Bench-Briefs-1975-09-12

HP HP-Bench-Briefs-1975-09-12 free download

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SERVICE INFORMATION FROM HEWLETT-PACKARD SEPTEMBER-DECEMBER, 1975 TRAINING SEMINARS DIGITAL TROUBLESHOOTING OFFERED VIDEOTAPES AVAILABLE Hewlett-Packard is offering a series A series of fourteen videotapes is of seminars for service technicians. available to help train service per- Some of these are very general sonnel on the increasingly encom- (such as Digital Troubleshooting), passing area of digital electronics. while others apply to a specific Each of the videotapes is less than product. Since this is of such signi- 30 minutes in length. The tapes ficance to service personnel, the were prepared by Dick Gasperini, September-October and November- BENCH BRIEFS Editor, who has e December issue of BENCH BRIEFS has been combined into a special double issue on service training. A number of locations have been repeatedly presented and revised the material i n live seminars throughout the world. The informa- tion in the videotape series and in the textbook is very similar to the chosen for seminars in January and first two days of the Digital Trouble- February, 1976. See the following shooting seminar described on the pages for details of course offerings next page. and locations. Most seminars include laboratory The individual tapes are: time to allow hands-on experience The textbook for the series, which with the hardware. To ensure indi- 1. Digital vs Analog (17 min) is available separately, is DIGITAL vidual attention for the attendees, 2. RTL and DTL (16 min) TROUBLESHOOTING by Richard all seminars are limited in size. We E. Gasperini. The text size is 81/2x11 3. TTL (21 rnin) suggest registering early to avoid inches and it has 180 pages. disappointment. Registration will 4. ECL and MOS (25 min) The videotape series is available be handled on a first-come first- 5. Troubleshooting Techniques in inch open reel and y4 inch served basis. (26 rnin)

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