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Now downloading free:Daewoo daewoo dv-k821dy vq857

Daewoo daewoo dv-k821dy vq857 free download

VCR, VHS, tape drives service manuals and repair information

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Model:daewoo dv-k821dy vq857 🔎
Original:daewoo dv-k821dy vq857 🔎
Descr: Daewoo Video DV-K821DY daewoo_dv-k821dy_vq857.pdf
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S/M No. : VK811PSEF0 Service Manual Video Cassette Recorder Model: DV-K821DY (VQ857) A F2GHA0 DAEWOO ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. http : // Jan. 2000 ELECTRICAL ADJUSTMENT 1. PLAYBACK PHASE ADJUSTMENT TEST TEST INPUT ITEM MODE CHECK POINT POINT EQUIPMENT TAPE SIGNAL 6.5H PIN 4 & PIN 5 PLAY [REC] BUTTON OSCILLOSCOPE DP-2 NO SIGNAL ADJUSTMENT OF P504 ADJUSTMENT PARTS MEASURING POINT PCB : MAIN - TOP VIEW TMI OSCILLOSCOPE BLOC PRE- AMP CH1 CH2 PATH JIG P50 TO PATH JIG ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURE 1. Play back the test tape. (DP-2) 2. Set the oscilloscope to the CHOP mode. Connect CH1 to the SW PULSE (PIN 4 of P504) 3. Connect CH2 to the ENVE signal (PIN5 of P504) 4. Insert PATH JIG and press "REC" button on the remote control. 5. Check the position of the V-sync from the rising edge of the SW pulse. (Standard : 6.5H

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