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Now downloading free:Daewoo DAEWOO RM-161 sch

Daewoo DAEWOO RM-161 sch free download

Audio equipment,digital audio, home audio, professional audio systems service manuals and repair information

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Model:DAEWOO RM-161 sch 🔎
Original:DAEWOO RM-161 sch 🔎
Descr: Daewoo Audio RM-161 DAEWOO_RM-161_sch.pdf
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P.2 P.3 P.4 P.5 P.6 FM AND AM RF ALIGNMENT CHART ( IF ) Step Ltem Input Circuit Output Circuit Tuner Adj - Adjustmert Setup Setup setting Point Unless otherwise specified set switches as follows: FM Function: FM Adjust generator frequency to a center of the FM band where no FM boradcast exists IF Connect FM IF Connect Co19 and GND FM in band T101 & Adjust for straight and 1 Adjustment sweep output IF-OUT termenal to end TT132 symmetrical S-curve terminal to IC101&131 IF sweep input termnal with max.amplitude. 2 FM Headphone jack or 87.5 MHz L103 Adjust L103 for max output Band speaker terminal 108MHz CT102 Adjust CT102 for max output FM SG ANT. Headphone jack or 90.1 MHZ L102 Adjust for max.output and 3 Tracking (1) Terminal 90.1 MHz, speaker terminal MONO best waveform 1kHz, +-22.5kHz dev 4 Tracking (2) 106.1 MHz, 1 kHz Headphone jack or 106.1 MHz CT101 Same as above. +-22.5 MHz dev speaker terminal 5 Repeat steps 3 and 4. MW IF Connect standard loop Connect input termnal MW in band Adjust tor max. amplitude 1 Adjustment antenna to output ter- genescope to detector end T131 with symmetrical 450 kHz. minal of genescope output 2 MW Headphone jack or 522 kHz L135 Adjust L135 for max output Band speaker terminal 1620 kHz CT133 Adjust CT133 for max output 3 Tracking (1) 612 kHz 400 kHz, Headphone jack or 612 kHz L136 Adjust for max.output and 3% mod speaker terminal best waveform 4 Tracking (2) 1404 kHz 400 kHz, Headphone jack or 1404 kHz CT131^ Same as above. 3% mod speaker terminal 5 Repeat steps 3 and 4. LW 1 LW

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