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Now downloading free:CTX ctx 1769sl schematic

CTX ctx 1769sl schematic free download

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Original:ctx 1769sl schematic 🔎
Descr: CTX Monitor CTX1769 ctx_1769sl_schematic.pdf
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Check IC701 (TL431), R717 (12K) and capacitor C721 (1uf 50V). If the capacitor has blown apart and the resistor burnt, check the line output transformer before replacing any components as in my monitor the transformer had literally melted at one side and a crack surrounded the transformer's CTX 1569DSE Dead with tripping PSU middle. Obviously this transformer had developed a EHT to pin 11 short with catastrophic results. Replacement transformers are available but due to the cost it is usually more economical to scrap the monitor. [HV is present for a short while; 250V at collector if it is de-soldered, also when load CTX is applied with a lamp]. Check downward control/PSU, add 200R to the Ub-supply to CPS 1560LR . Line output transistor dies soon after switch-on. the line transformer if necessary. Check diodes and drive control transistor(s) in the width control. Overheating of the CTX CPS 1560LR . Too wide and E/W fault. Line transistor becomes hot. line transistor may be due to the line amplitude being too high. Check ZD101 (18Vdc) in power supply on left near front on main board edge, Q101 (92SK955-2SK956) on black heatsink in power supply, R114 (39R/2W 5%), IC101 CTX (UC3842 - NTE7096J) and R113 (100R/0.25W 2%)on power supply's small daughter board, C113 (0.01uF/50Vdc) on daughter board, fuse (2.5A) on left edge of main CPS 1560LR Dead. board. Solder power supply's small daughter board connections at main board. CTX CPS 1560LR Dead. Q101 (K118), D102, R104 (0R25/1W), F101 (Gma 3.15A). Squealing]. D108 (Bym26c), D410 (5thz52), Q402 (A953), R441 (2R2/0.5W), C407 CTX CPS 1560LR Dead. (432j-pp630). CTX CPS 1560LR . Power cycles. Q103 (2SC3457), Q401 (2SC3886A) C

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