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Agilent EEsof EDA Overview on Mixer Simulation with Agilent's ADS This document is owned by Agilent Technologies, but is no longer kept current and may contain obsolete or inaccurate references. We regret any inconvenience this may cause. For the latest information on Agilent's line of EEsof electronic design automation (EDA) products and services, please go to: Solutions from HP EEsof Mixer Simulation with HP Advanced Design System Technical Note Introduction Mixers are nonlinear circuits used to translate signals from one frequency to another. They are characterized by how much gain or loss they introduce in this conversion, as well as how much distortion and noise they contribute. For this reason, accurate nonlinear device models are essential to getting good results, but obtaining these models is not discussed here. This technical note covers some of the details required to simulate mixers with HP Advanced Design System. Unless otherwise noted, all of the simulation set-ups and data displays are included in the HP ADS 1.0 example project examples/RFIC/ Mixers_prj. A designer could easily copy and modify parts of this project in order to run the same simulations on his or her own design. Note that some of these simulations are applicable to receivers as well as mixers. Simulations discussed include: DC analysis and back-annotation to the schematic (p. 2) Conversion gain (p. 3) Noise figure (p. 3, 11) Third-order intercept (TOI) point (p. 5) RF-to-IF gain compression (p. 7) Conversion gain and noise figure versus RF frequency (p. 9) Total noise power and noise power spectral density at the mixer output (p. 12) Spurious-free dynamic range (p. 13) Intermodulation distortion, input- and output-referred TOI, conversion gain, and leakage versus RF input power (p. 14) Intermodulation distortion, input- and output-referred TOI, conversion gain, and leakage versus LO input power (p. 16) Third-order intercept point and conversion gain of a two-stage down-converting receiver (p. 17) Image rejection of a two-stage down-converting receiver (p. 19) Gilbert Cell Mixer Simulation The simulations described are applied to the Gilbert cell mixer [1] shown in Figure 1. Note that the simulations are done on a finished mixer, but the analyses could be used to determine how the design could be improved. This Gilbert cell mixer is in both MDS and Series IV. It is the IAM-81018 mixer, originally designed by two engineers at Avantek [2]. This part is in the HP Communications C

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