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Now downloading free:xerox 19780613 Graphical Bar Chart Examples

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XEROX BUS[NESS SYSTEMS Systems Development Division June 13, 1978 To: ADUPG, Harslem, Clark XEROX aDD ARCHIVES I have read and underatoo~ Pages_________To _________ From: Dave Smith / SD at Palo Alto Reviewer Da te_____ Subject: Graphical bar chart examples # of Pagea,_-,Ref .; 7J'..s.])J) - /fS' This is a reference note intended to provide some information that may be of interest to us as we develop Star 2 and beyond. Attached are some examples from Bill Bowman's book Graphic Communication that deal with bar charts. They suggest the great deal of richness that exists in the bar chart domain alone. As we have found throughout Star, each domain has more depth than is first apparent. We haven't really addressed this richness in the Star data-driven symbols yet, but it is something we should be aware of as we consider Star 2. The point here is not "this is what we are going to do in Star" but rather "here are some of the ways that people use bar charts to express information." Some of the ways, such as "comparative" and "compound", our current bar chart maker can handle. Some, such as "divided", it clearly should be extended to handle eventually. Some, such as "interrupted" and "composite", it may never handle. 2 QUANTITY Quantity concerns the amount of a subject in terms of a fixed scale of 000 COMPARATIVE measure. In the graphic figure, quan- tity can be shown in comparative rela

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