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Now downloading free:NEC 819-095000-336 dBASEII Release Bulletin

NEC 819-095000-336 dBASEII Release Bulletin free download

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TM RELEASE BULLETIN 819-095000-336 dBASE II Model No: APC-S35M (MS-DOS VERSION) 1.0 INTRODUCTION: dBASE II software is a database management tool that allows easy manipulation of small and medium sized data bases using English-like commands. With dBASE II you can: o create complete data base systems; o easily add, delete, edit, display, and print data from your data base; o maintain data files with a minimum of data duplication o generate reports from one or more data bases, auto- matically producing subtotals, total, headings, and subheadings o create command stacks ("programs") to aid in data entry and retrieval 2.0 CONTENTS OF THE RELEASE: 2.1 Distribution Media PART NO. DESCRIPTION 8l9-0760,35-050M dBASE II Diskette 2.2 Documentation PART NO. DESCRIPTION 819-095000-336 dBASE II Release Bulletin 819-000100-8001 dBASE II User's Guide 3.0 HARDWARE/SOFTWARE REOUIREMENTS: 3.1 Minimum Hardware Reguirements APC-HOI - Monochrome APC with single FDD 3.2 Minimum Software Reguirements APC-S02 - MS-DOS Operating System Advanced Personal Computer NJEC 1 NEe Information Svstems,I/Int:- 4.0 INSTALLATION PROCEDURE: PLEASE NOTE: 1. The distribution diskette is already installed for the APC. Therefore the files INSTALL.CMD and STARTUP.PRG are not on your distribution diskette. 2. If you will be using a hard disk, refer to the MS-DOS Release Bulletin, Section 6, for instructions on formatting the disk drive. 3. To use the MS-DOS COpy command on a single drive system, you will need to use a CONFIG.SYS file to assign addition~l disk buffers. To do this: a) Create a file named CONFIG.SYS on your bootable ~lS-DOSsystem diskette,' using EDLIN or the COpy command. This file must contain the statement: BUFFERS=lO If CONFIG.SYS already exists on your system diskette, edit it to delete any other BUFFERS= statement, and add the BUFFERS=lO statement. The most convenient way to create CONFIG.SYS is to use the COpy command to copy from the keyboard to the C

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