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Now downloading free:HP HP-Catalog-1963

HP HP-Catalog-1963 free download

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HP Archive This vintage Hewlett Packard document was preserved and distributed by www. Please visit us on the web ! On-line curator: Glenn Robb FOUR EASY W A Y S TO USE THIS CATALOG 1. Check headings on opposite page for general type of instrument. Use convenient edge marks to find proper pages. 2. Turn to pages 1b through 5 for five pages of "Short Form Catalog" listing hp instruments by type or function (example-"Signal Generators 50 KC to 40 GC"). 3. Find equipment by its model number in the numerical index, beginning on page 262 at back of this catalog (exampIe--"400D Voltmeter"). 4. Find equipment by its name or title, alphabetical index back of this catalog, pages 258-261 (example --"Digital Voltmeter"). Other Important Information This catalog includes detailed information on all instruments available from Hewlett-Packard and Harrison Laboratories. Information is also provided on complete lines or selected instruments and systems manufactured by Hewlett-Packard divisions and affiliates. Ask your hp representative for in- formation on new instruments introduced after catalog publication date. PLACING YOUR ORDER OR RETURNING INSTRUMENTS. Page l a contains timesaving suggestions for ordering. Pages 20 and 21 have information on service and repairs. @ DIVISIONS, AFFILIATES. Page% contains a summary of equipment available f r o m Hewlett-Packard divisions a n d affiliates, indexed on the opposite page. Pages 9 through 17 offer brief descriptions of specific instruments and systems manufactured by each member of t h e hp family. A special section on power supplies, pages 243 through 257, gives complete technical data on instruments available from Harrison Laboratories. OTHER INFORMATION ON @ INSTRUMENTS. In addition ro data in this catalog, information about application and operation of hp equipment is found in hp Data Sheets, Application Notes and the Hewlett-Packard Journal, monthly technical _-- periodical from the Research and Development 1aboratories. These publications are offered without charge; see page 22 for details. COMMUNICATING WITH COMMUNICATING WITH @ COM MUN ICATl NG WITH HEWLETT-PACKARD. ENGINEER-SALESMAN. HEWLETT-PACKARD 5. A. Mail: 1501 Page Mill Road, Hewlett-Packard engineer-salesmen Mail: 54 Route des Acacias, Palo Alto, California, U.S. A. are located in most major manufactur- Geneva, Switzerland. Telephone: 326-7000, ha Code 415. ing centers in the United States and Telephone: (022) 42. 81. 50. TWX: 415

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