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Now downloading free:HP HP-Catalog-1963-1964-Short

HP HP-Catalog-1963-1964-Short free download

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hp OSCILLOSCOPES, BANDWIDTHS TO . . Bandwidths to 500 kc, sensitivities to 200 p / c m Single or dual channels . Automatic triggering on all models, calibrated sweeps No-parallax, no-glare 10 x 10 crt's I I 1205 Scope DC to 450 KC -Four calibrated 122A Scope 200 KC Dual Channel -Provides 130C Scope 500 KC, 200 pV/CM -Identical vertical ranges, 10 mv/cm to 10 v/cm: separate traces for simultaneous study x and y amplifiers having 16 calibrated 15 calibrated sweeps from 1 psec/cm to of signals, chopped or on alternate ranges 200 mv/cm to 20 v/crn, differen- 200 ms/cm, 2 5 % ; x5 sweep magnifier sweeps, single trace when desired. Each tial input on all ranges, less than 1 " works on all ranges; horizontal ampli- vertical amplifier has four calibrated phase shift between amplifiers to 100 kc. fier has 3 calibrated steps 100 mv/cm to ranges, 10 mv/cm to 10 v/cm, differen- 21 calibrated sweeps 1 psec to 5 sec/cm, 10 v/cm. For x-y, phase shift between tial input at all sensitivities. 15 cali- *3%; x2, x5, x10, x20, x50 magnifier vertical and horizontal amplifier less brated sweeps from 1 pseclcm to 200 extends fastest sweep to 0.2 pseclcm. t h a n 2 2 ' to 100 kc. Beam finder msec/cm, 2 5 % ; x5 sweep magnifier Beam finder quickly locates trace. quickly finds trace. Modular cabinet for works on all ranges. Modular cabinet for rack or bench use. rack or bench use. . . Sweep speeds to 20 nsec/cm . NEW 14011 DUAL PLUG-IN SCOPE Bandwidths to 20 me, sensitivities to 10 p / c m . Accepts single or dual plug-ins 7.5 kv crt, internal graticule, beam finder 140A Main Frame accepts all 1400 series 1402A 20 MC Dual Trace-Two traces pre- 1421A Time Base and Delay Generator -22 plug-ins; 7.5 kv post accelerator crt with sented i n chopped o r on alternate ranges 0 . 1 ps/cm to 1 sec/cm *3%; x5 ' 10 x 10 cm internal graticule. 1 v and sweeps. Each channel has 11 calibrated magnifier extends fastest sweep to 20 10 v 1% calibrator; Beam Finder for ranges 5 mv/cm to 10 v/cm with band- ns/cm. Triggers internally to over 20 locating trace. Modular cabinet for rack or bench use.

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