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Now downloading free:CANON Canon CXDI-31 X-Ray - Service manual

CANON Canon CXDI-31 X-Ray - Service manual free download

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File name Canon CXDI-31 X-Ray - Service manual.pdf

Confidential CXDI-1 System CXDI-31 Service Manual Ver.06 Jun. 2009 Medical Products Copyright by Technical Service Dept Canon Manual Control No. : BY8-2251-0E6 Name of Product : CXDI-31 Distribution Control No. : Issued on : Service Manual Introduction This service manual belongs to a series of after-sales guides Canon Inc. publishes as part of its comprehensive product quality guarantee program, and will make a useful tool in promoting the sales of the product, let alone repairing it. This service manual consists of nine chapters; General, Installation Manual, Imaging Unit, E/O Box, Parts Catalog, and Service Manual Report. Please fully understand the procedure for installing the product indicated in "Installation Manual", the features and specifications of the product indicated in "GENERAL" and principle of system and operation in "TECHNICAL INFORMATION" Refer to "REPAIR GUIDE" in order to perform repairs properly, and "PARTS CATALOG" and "TOOLS" for ordering parts and tools. If you are using nonstandard connections or settings, refer to the related items in the "Option Setup" chapter and then correct the connections or settings accordingly. If the product undergoes a large modification, a new service manual of revised edition will be sent to you. In other cases, service manual report will be sent to you to update the manual. If needed, utilize the related information indicated in the last chapter of Appendix. Note 1: This service manual is published by Canon Inc. in accordance with Article 6 (Furnishing the Referring Materials) of the Service Assignment Contract concluded with your company. The contract prohibits the exposure of the contents of this service manual in any form to the third party without a written consent of Canon Inc. Note 2: This service manual is property of Canon Inc. and the company may seek to have it returned, depending on circumstances. You are expected to keep it until then. Note 3: Your inquiries, suggestions etc. about the contents of this service manual should be addressed to: Medical Equipment Quality Administration Division, Technical Service Department Canon Inc. 30-2, Shimomaruko 3-chome, Ohta-ku, Tokyo 146-8501, Japan 1 1. General This chapter is devoted to the description of the product's features and specifications. 2. Installation Manual This chapter indicates the procedure for installing the product. 3. Imagining Unit This chapter describes un

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