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Tektronix 494p op sm free download

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OPERATORS Part No. 070-4418-00 MANUAL Product Group 26 r r 494/494P SPECTRUM ANALYZER I i Please Check for CHANGE INFORMATION at the Rear of This Manual First Printing OCT 1983 Revised NOV 1986 TiPAtronix m..arren ro fI-ELLEN A A 494/494P Operators PREFACE This manual is one of a set of product manuals for the ANSI and IEEE standards may be obtained 'from, the Insti- TEKTRONIX 494 and 494P (programmable) Spectrum Ana- tute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Inc ., 345 East lyzer. It describes the installation and operation of the 47th Street, New York, N .Y . 10017 . 494/494P Spectrum Analyzer . These instructions assume the user is knowledgeable about frequency domain analysis . Our intent is to explain the operation of the 4941494P so that meaningful measurements can be made under adverse Change/History Information as well as laboratory conditions . The manual organization Change information that involves manual corrections and content is listed in the Table of Contents . Programming and/or additional information pending manual reprint and information is in a separate Programmers manual, and ser- bind is located at the back of this manual in a CHANGE vice information is contained in a two-volume Service INFORMATION section. manual . History information, with the updated data, is integrated Standards and Conventions Used into the text when the page(s) is revised. A revised page is identified by a revision date located in the lower left corner Most terminology is in accordance with those standards of the page (e .g ., REV JAN 1984). adapted by IEEE and IEC . A glossary of terms is provided as an appendix . Abbreviations in the documentation are in accordance with ANSI Y1 .1-1972, with exceptions and addi- tions explained in parentheses after the abbreviation . Unpacking and Preparation for Use Graphic symbols comply with ANSI Y32 .2-1975 . Logic sym- bology is based on ANSI Y32.14-1973 and the manufactur- Instructions for unpacking and preparing the instrument er's data description . GPIS functions for the programmable for use are described under "Preparing the Instrument for version conforms to IEEE 488-1978 Standard . A copy of Use"

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