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AIWA mech 4zg-1 cd free download

Audio equipment,digital audio, home audio, professional audio systems service manuals and repair information

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Descr: AIWA Audio mech_4zg-1_cd.pdf
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4ZG-1 English RTV servis Horvat Tel: ++385-31-856-637 Tel/fax: ++385-31-856-139 Mob: 098-788-319 SERVICE MANUAL CD MECHANISM BASIC CD MECHANISM : 3ZG-2 E1 TYPE Z3N1DLSH TA DA S/M Code No. 09-992-325-4N6 PROTECTION OF EYES FROM LASER BEAM DURING SERVICING This set employs laser. Therefore, be sure to follow carefully the CAUTION instructions below when servicing. Use of controls or adjustments or performance of procedures other than those specified herein may result in hazardous WARNING! radiation exposure. WHEN SERVICING, DO NOT APPROACH THE LASER EXIT WITH THE EYE TOO CLOSELY. IN CASE IT IS NECESSARY TO ATTENTION CONFIRM LASER BEAM EMISSION. BE SURE TO OBSERVE L'utilisation de commandes, r

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