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Now downloading free:Advantest EPSON SED1351 - LCD Controller

Advantest EPSON SED1351 - LCD Controller free download

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Descr: Advantest R3131 A-D_Block_PCB_Component_Datasheets EPSON SED1351 - LCD Controller.pdf
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File name EPSON SED1351 - LCD Controller.pdf

SED1351 SED1351 GRAPHICS LCD CONTROLLER s DESCRIPTION The SED1351F is a graphics LCD controller capable of controlling medium to large resolution displays. It transfers data from MPU to external frame buffer RAM and converts this data to display signals for LCD drivers. The SED1351F can display images with 4 gray shades and support display duty cycle as high as 1/ 1024. The SED1351F is designed to achieve high efficiency and data throughput to the LCD. It has a cycle steal mode which allows MPU to access frame buffer RAM without interfering with the display operation. The SED1351F can directly interface with up to eight 64K-bit SRAMs or two 256K-bit SRAMs. The SED1351F can operate with either 5V or 3V power supply. The 5V version chip is the SED1351F0A and the 3V version chip is the SED1351FLB. s FEATURES

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