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HP 205AG free download

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Model 205AG Specifications SPECIFICATIONS 1 FREQUENCY RANGE : OUTPUT METER: 20 cps ta 20 kc in three decade bands: Calibrated in volts and dbm (0 dbm = 1 mw, 600 ohms). Full scale values 65 volts, 37 dbm. Xl 20 cps ta 200 cps Reads on 600 ohm basis regardless of output XlO 200 cps ta 2 kc impedance selected. XlOO 2 kc ta 20 kc Calibration covers approximately 270 degrees OUTPUT A TTENUA TOR: on 6 inch diameter main dial. Provides 110 db in 1 db steps. INPUT METER: CALmRATION ACCURACY: Calibrated in dbm (0 db = I mw 1 600 ohms) Within %2%at normal ambient temperatures. from -5 to + 8 dbm and in volts from 0 to 2 v (Includes warm-up and changes due to aging rms. Voltage accuracy is :!:5% of full scale. of tubes and components. ) INPUT ATTENUATOR: Extends meter range to + 48 dbm and to 200 v OUTPUT: rms in 5 db steps. Accuracy + 0. 1 db. 5 watts maximum into resistive loods of 50, 200, 600 and 5000 ohms. Output circuit is balanced and center tapped --any terminaJ may be grounded. POWER StJPPLY: 115/230 volts %10%,50-1000 cps, 150 watts. FREQUENCY RESPONSE: DIMENSIONS: :1 db 20 cps to 20 kc at output levels up to Cabinet Mount: 20-3/4 in. wide, 12-3/4 in. + 30 dbm with output meter reading held at high, 15-1/2 in. deep. + 37 db, :1. 5 db 20 cps to 20 kc at output levels above + 30 dbm with output meter reading held at + 37 db (reference 1000 cps). DISTORTION: Less than 1% at frequencies above 30 cps. INTERNAL IMPEDANCE: Approximately 1/6 load impedance with zero attenuator setting. Approaches load impedance with attenuator settings of 20 db or more. HUM LEVEL:

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