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Now downloading free:xerox BcdList.mesa Oct77

xerox BcdList.mesa Oct77 free download

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File name:BcdList.mesa_Oct77.pdf
[preview BcdList.mesa Oct77]
Size:363 kB
Model:BcdList.mesa Oct77 🔎
Original:BcdList.mesa Oct77 🔎
Descr: xerox mesa 3.0_1977 listing BcdList.mesa_Oct77.pdf
Group:Electronics > Other
Multipart:No multipart

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File name BcdList.mesa_Oct77.pdf

BedL1st.mesa Z5-0CT-77 14:57:38 Page 1 -- BedList.Mesa Edited by Sandman on August 31, 1977 10:Z1 AM DIRECTORY AltoDefs: FROM "altodefs", BedDefs: FROM "beddefs". CommanderDefs: FROM "eommanderdefs", ControlDefs: FROM "eontroldefs", IODefs: FROM "iodefs", ListerDefs: FROM "listerdefs", OutputDefs: FROM "outputdefs", SegmentDefs: FROM "segmentdefs", StringDefs: FROM "stringdefs", SymDefs: FROM "symdefs"; DEFINITIONS FROM OutputDefs. BedDefs; BedList: PROGRAM IMPORTS CommanderDefs, IODefs, OutputDefs, SegmentDefs. StringDefs EXPORTS LfsterDefs = BEGIN bed: POINTER TO BCD; tb: CARDINAL; ssb: STRING: ctb: CARDINAL; mtb: CARDINAL; itb: CARDINAL; etb: CARDINAL; ftb: CARDINAL; ntb: CARDINAL; InstallBed: PROCEDURE [seg: SegmentDefs.FileSegmentHandle] = BEGIN OPEN SegmentDefs; size: CARDINAL; IF -seg.swappedin THEN SwapIn[seg]; bed ~ FileSegmentAddress[seg]; IF (size~bed.nPages) # seg.pages THEN BEGIN Unloek[seg]; MoveFileSegment[seg,seg.base,size]; SwapIn[seg]; bed ~ FileSegmentAddress[seg]; END; tb ~ LOOPHOLE[bcd]; ssb ~ LOOPHOLE[bed+bcd.ssOffset]; ctb ~ tb+bcd.ctOffset; mtb ~ tb+bed.mtOffset; itb ~ tb+bcd.impOffset; etb ~ tb+bcd.expOffset; ftb ~ tb+bcd.ftOffset; ntb ~ tb+bed.ntOffset; RETURN END; UnstallBed: PROCEDURE [seg: SegmentOefs.FileSegmentHandle] BEGIN OPEN SegmentDefs; IF seg.swappedin THEN Unlock[seg]; SwapOut[seg]; RETURN END; WriteBcdID: PROCEDURE [name: STRING. bcd: POINTER TO BCD] BEGIN PutString[name]; PutString[" configured 0]; PutTime[bcd.version.time]; IF bcd.source # [0,0] TIIEN BEGIN PutString[" from "]; PutName[bcd.source]; END; PutString[" by"]; PrintMachine[bcd.version]; IFbcd.versionident # VersionID THEN B[GIN PutString[" Obsolete VersionID "]; PutDecimal[bcd.versionident] [NO: BcdList.mesa 25-0CT-77 14:57:38 Page 2 PutCR[]; PutString[" Configured by"]; PutTime[bcd.creator.time]; PutString[" "]; PrintMachine[bcd.creator]; PutCR[]; PutCR[];' RETURN END; PrintBcd: PUBLIC PROCEDURE a BEGIN PrintHeader[]; PrintConfigs[]; PrintImports[] ; PrintExports[]; PrintModules[]; PrintFiles[]; RETURN END; PrintHeader: PUBLIC PROCEDURE a BEGIN PutString["Configurations: "]; PutDecimal[bed.nConfigs]; PutString[". Modules: a]; PutOecimal[bed.nModules]; PutString[". Imports: "J; PutDeeimal[bed.nImports]; PutString[". Exports: "J; PutDecimal[bcd.nExports]; PutString[". Dummy: "J; PutDeeimal[bcd.firstdummy]: PutString[". #Dummies: "]: PutDecimal[bcd.nDummies]: PutCR[]: PutCR[]: RETURN END: PrintConfigs: PUBLIC PROCEDURE = BEGIN cti: CTIndex ~ FIRST[CTIndex]: PutString["Configurations"]: PrintIndex[bcd.ctOffset]:

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