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Sanwa YX-360TR free download

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Y)(- MULTITESTER sanuJa SANWAELECTRIC INSTRUMENT LTD. CO., DempaBldg.,Sotokanda2-Chome Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo, Japan OPERATOR'S MANUAL H 1tr 6f;ts8{fi for safety operation and maintenance To be sure, a circuit tester is a very useful device capable of measuring voltage, current, resistance, and various other electric and electronic quantities. Accordingly, the object of me'asurement coversvaries widely from minute current it to high voltage. Furthermore, the input impedance changes from a few ohms up to high megohm level with the measurement range cut over. These properties of a circuit t e s t e r d e m a n d t h e o p e r a t o r t o u s e u t m o s t ca r e i n , th e operation and maintenance of his instrument to ward him- self off danger and damage to the meter. Especially when checking high power equipment, no operation mistake should be committed. Remember a circuit tester needs periodical inspection and calibration to maintain it in good condition. A tester known to be defective, or laid away unused for many months must not be used to measure a voltage above 100V. Be certain for a tester to undergo Fig. I warrantable inspection at least once a year, when correct indication of the range must be ascertainedand withstand v o l t a q et e s t n o t b e o m i t t e d . I Indicator zero corrector 8 Indicatorpointer 2 Rangeselectorswitch knob 9 Rearcase bolt 3 Measuring

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