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Now downloading free:AIWA AIWA HV-GX810Z VCR sm

AIWA AIWA HV-GX810Z VCR sm free download

VCR, VHS, tape drives service manuals and repair information

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Model:AIWA HV-GX810Z VCR sm 🔎
Original:AIWA HV-GX810Z VCR sm 🔎
Descr: AIWA Video HV-GX810Z AIWA_HV-GX810Z_VCR_sm.pdf
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > Video recorders VCR
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SECTION 4 MECHANISM CONTENTS FRONT LOADING MECHANISM 31. Gear Pinch...4-13 DISASSEMBLY 32. T/Up Arm Assembly...4-13 33. Gear Pinch Cam ...4-14 Front Loading Mechanism Assembly Parts Location ...4-1 MECHANISM ADJUSTMENT 1. Front Loading Mechanism Disassembly..4-2 2. Guide Cassette...4-2 Tools and Fixtures for Deck ...4-15 3. Bracket Assembly Side(R)...4-2 1. Mechanism and Mode Switch Alignment 4. Bracket Assembly Side(L)/Top Plate ...4-2 Check ...4-16 5. Holder Assembly Cassette ...4-2 2. Preparation for adjustment 6. Arm Assembly F/L ...4-3 (To set VCR(VCP) to the Loading 7. Spring Stopper...4-3 State without inserting a cassette)...4-17 8. Plate Reflector ...4-3 3. Tension post position and Tension Adjustment...4-17 DECK MECHANISM DISASSEMBLY 4. Checking Torque...4-18 5. Guide Roller Height Adjustment ...4-19 Deck mechanism Parts Location ...4-4 6. Audio/Control (A/C) Head Adjustment...4-20 1. Auto Head Cleaner Assembly ...4-5 7. X-Value Adjustment ...4-21 2. Drum and Base Assembly ...4-5 8. Adjustment after Replacing Drum 3. Drum Sub Assembly...4-5 Assembly (Video Heads) ...4-22 4. A/C (Audio/Control) Head Assembly ...4-6 9. Check The Tape Travel after Reassembling 5. FE (Full Erase) Head Assembly ...4-6 Deck Assembly...4-22 6. Plate Up/Supply Main Brake/Take up 9-1. Check Audio and RF Locking Time ... Main Brake/Body prism Led Assembly...4-7 during Playback after CUE or REV ...4-22 7. Tension Arm/Lever Assembly Tension...4-7 9-2. Check the condition between the Audio 8. TAB Lever ...4-7 and Video Sync. (Lip Sync)...

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