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Now downloading free:Rohde & Schwarz FAM

Rohde & Schwarz FAM free download

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MODULATION ANALYZERS analyzers Characteristics, uses The Frequency-range Extension Option - which can be retrofitted - extends the frequency range up to 1360 MHz, The Modulation Analyzer FAM otters a maximumof con. thus covering practically all radio services. venience for modulation measurements on AM, FM and phase-modulated signals. All tunctions being microproc- Special features The FAM exhibits negligible inherent essor-controlled,manual operationis reducedto aminimum. noise and excellent linearity. Modulationmeasurementsover a range of carrier frequen- cies from 55 kHz to 1360 MHz are performedmore precisely Residual FM being less than 1 Hz in the basic frequency end more easlly with the FAM than with previouslyavailable range (proportionallyincreasingabove) with CCITT weight- equipment. The lEG-bus interface makes the instrument ing and 5 Hz with 20 kHz weightingbandwidth,whilst residual system-compatibleend suitable tor use in automated test AM is as low as 0.01%. the FAM perrnitsunwantedmodula- assembties. tion to be measuredprecisely. Types 01 measurements The ModulationAnalyzercan be The FM stereo noise of FAM model 54, being -72 dB usedtor measurements otherwisecalling tor up to five differ- referredto 40 kHz deviation,CCIR weightlng,permitsprecise ent instruments.It features the following capabilities: SI N-ratlorneasurements, say, on FM broadcasttransmitters. . Measurementof modulation depth, frequency deviation The transmission IInearity of the FAM fulfils the exacting and phase deviation demands involved in wideband modulation methods used. tor example, in FM broadcasting. Excellent amplitude and . Simultaneouscarrier-frequencymeasurementwith 1 Hz or 10 Hz resolution phase linearity make distortion-freedemodulationof multi- plex signals possible;see applicationexample on page after . Measurementof modulationfrequencywith 0.1 Hz reso- next. lution Dlstortlon of less than 0.1% and stereo channel separation . Distortionmeasurementdown to <0.1 %,

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