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Now downloading free:NEC 1982 NEC Microcomputer Catalog

NEC 1982 NEC Microcomputer Catalog free download

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File name 1982_NEC_Microcomputer_Catalog.pdf

t\'EC 1982 CATALOG NEe Electronics U.S.A. Inc. Microcomputer Division r-~...-;o!,"",,"",,"-...,...,..rt:'!"9_.,---------- __ Western Microtecbnology 10040 Bubb Road Cupenino, CA 95014 Phone (408) 715-1660 TWX 910.338-0013 This 1982 Microcomputer Division catalog includes specifications for the current product lines marketed by the Microcomputer Division of NEC Electronics U.S.A. Inc. In addi- tion, it contains a special section of specifications for the ROM product line marketed by the Electronic Arrays Division. Both product lines are sold through the NEC Elec- tronics U.S.A. sales network (see last page and back covers for listing). NEC Electronics U.S.A. Inc., with corporat! headquarters in San Mateo, California, is a subsidiary of Nippon Electric Company. NEC Electronics U.S.A. Inc. consists of four product divisions. The Microcomputer Division, founded in 1975 and now located in Natick, Massachusetts, markets a wide variety of leading-edge LSI semiconductor memories and microprocessors. The Electronic Arrays Division, acquired by NEC in 1978, manufactures ROMs and RAMs in Mountain View, California. The Electron Divi- sion, founded in 1976 and headquartered in Sunnyvale, California, markets a broad range of products including linear ICs, vacuum fluorescent displays, tantalum capaci- tors, discrete semiconductors including optoelectronics and fiber optics. The Board Divi- sion is also located in Natick, Massachusetts; it designs, manufactures, and sells sophisticated board and system products. NEe Electronics U.S.A. Inc. NEe Electronics U.S.A. Inc. Corporate Headquarters Microcomputer Division 3055 Clearview Way, Suite 310 One Natick Executive Park San Mateo, California 94402 Natick, Massachusetts 01760 NEe Electronics U.S.A. Inc. Electron Division 252 Humboldt Court Sunnyvale, California 94086 NEe Electronics U.S.A. Inc. Electronic Arrays Division 550 East Middlefield Road Mountain View, California 94043 NEe NEe Electronics U.S.A. Inc. Microcomputer Division 1982 CATALOG The information in this document is subject to change without notice. NEC Electronics U.S.A. Inc. makes no warranty of any kind with regard to this material, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. NEC Electronics U.S.A. Inc. assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. NEC Electronics U.S.A. Inc. makes no commitment to update nor to keep current the information contained in this document. No part of this documen

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