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IBM ThinkPad 365 free download

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IBM ThinkPad 365 365C, 365CD, 365CS, 365CSD, 365E, 365ED,365X, & 365XD Technical Information, Tips, and Techniques Version 3.4 December 1996 Troubleshooting IBM Thinkpad Hardware Setup Problems If you should experience problems setting up PCMCIA Cards, please follow the procedures listed below: (1) Please ensure that your ThinkPad is using the latest BIOS release for that system. Later BIOS releases correct problems that users have experienced with the earlier releases. Refer to the ThinkPad BIOS section to determine if you need to update your system's BIOS. Make sure that your software drivers are at the correct release level and are setup properly. Refer to the ThinkPad PCMCIA Drivers section to see if you need to update your system's PCMCIA device drivers. If you are using Point Enablers, please ensure that they are at the latest release level. Determine if any upper memory conflicts exist between the areas claimed by ThinkPad BIOS, Card & Socket Services, and Point Enablers Refer to the ThinkPad Memory Map section. The Device Driver DICRMU01.SYS /MA=C800-CFFF (DOS PCMCIA Resource Map Utility) sets the upper memory addresses used by Card & Socket Services. The /MA parameter tells Card Services what locations in upper memory can be used by PCMCIA cards or Card Services, and must match or be a subset of an excluded memory range on the EMM386 line of CONFIG.SYS. (4) Microsoft Windows can overwrite the upper memory address used by Card & Socket Services. To prevent this, add an EmmExclude=XXXXXXXX statement to the [386 Enh] section of SYSTEM.INI (Where XXXX-XXXX is the same as the memory region as used in the /MA parameter for the DICRMU01.SYS driver). If you are using point enablers, be sure to exclude any upper memory used by the enabler by adding an EmmExclude statement to SYSTEM.INI. Make sure that no interrupt conflicts exist between ThinkPad devices and PCMCIA Cards. Refer to the ThinkPad Interrupt Assignments section to view the default interrupt assignments. Please note that the ThinkPad System Setup Utility allows you to view and change interrupt assignments for many internal devices. Those ThinkPad 365X and 365XD Models with audio use I/O 220 as the default audio I/O address. This setting will conflict with a Token-Ring Adapter (At I/O A20). Use the ThinkPad Utilities to change the I/O address for audio to 240. This will resolve the conflict. (2) (3) (5) (6) Installing Windows 95 on the ThinkPad 365C, 365CD, 365CS, & 365CSD (1) (2) For complete Windows 95 directions, please download TPWIN95.EXE from the IBM BBS. It is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED that you update your system BIOS to the latest BIOS release before installing Windows 95 on your system. Refer to the BIOS section for the latest BIOS level for you ThinkPad. Install Windows 95. The ThinkPad Features Program for Windows works on Windows 95. If you install Windows 95 on a blank hard disk or you haven't installed ThinkPad Features Program, follow the instructions of "ThinkPad Featu

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