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Now downloading free:apple Monitor 11.9 Release Notes Feb83

apple Monitor 11.9 Release Notes Feb83 free download

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Model:Monitor 11.9 Release Notes Feb83 🔎
Original:Monitor 11.9 Release Notes Feb83 🔎
Descr: apple lisa pascal_monitor Monitor_11.9_Release_Notes_Feb83.pdf
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File name Monitor_11.9_Release_Notes_Feb83.pdf

To: Lisa Software, Hardware, NPR From: Rich Page Date: Feb 22, 1983 Subj: Debugger for Release A5 and Monitor 11.9 Lisabug has been modified to support the dot matrix printer and fix some confusion in Set and Display memory. Debugger changes: a) The display memory commands (ie. DM,DW and DL) have been modified to use word moves. The display bytes command (ie. DB) still uses byte moves and allows use of odd addresses. b) The set memory commands (SW and SL) have been modified to use word moves. The set memory and set bytes commands (ie. SM and S8) still use byte moves and allow use of odd addresses. Note: For both display and set memory, if a word operation is appl ied to an odd the address then the address is rounded down to the nearest '.lIord address. c) Ther'e is a new command CS (c 1ear screen). cD There are five new commands for the pr inter. PR expr Printer The PR command enables or disables printing to the two port card. expr = 2 enable printing upper port expr = 1 enable printing lower port expr = 0 disable printing Note: while printing is enabled all debugger output to the screen is echoed to the printer. PS expr Print Screen The PS command dumps the entire upper or lower screen. expr = 1 print primary screen expr = 0 print alternate screen Note: If printing is disabled then nothing will happen. FF Form Feed The FF command sends a form feed to the printer if printing is enabled. PL Print bug report via lower port PU Print bug report via upper port le: &2/#5:MEM022.TEXT - 1 - The PL and PU commands dump a "bug report" to the printer. The bug report consists of the following: Dump of the primary screen. Dump of the alternate screen (OS only). Form Feed. Description of exception. Trace display. Stack crawl. Disassemble of 20 1 ines ~from PC-$20. Display words from RA6-$20 for $80 bytes. Form Feed. Note: after a PL or PU command, printing is left

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