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Now downloading free:xerox 19770119 January Status Report For Common Software

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XERO)( Information Technology Group Systems Development Division January 19, 1977 To: Wendell Shultz Copies to: Dav'id Liddle, Chuck Thacker, Ron Rider, Bob Metcalfe, C. Simonyi, S. Wallace, D. Stottlemyre, J. Szelong, P. Heinrich, L. Bergsteinsson From: Charles Irby Subject: January Status Report for Common Software Filed on: ProgressJan General: The reorganization of the System Software Section should improve progress in the Common Software area. A transition period of two to four weeks is expected before the new roles stablize and the Common Software Group begins to benifit from a full-time manager. User Interface: The User Interface Group sponsored a one day workshop on "Desktop Concepts and Display Windows." Demonstrations and discllssions were presented of Smalltalk, Woodstock, the Program Librarian user interface prototype, and an Alto-based user interface to Interlisp (executing on Maxc). These were followed by a general discussion period. A summary description of the highlights will be published in the near future. The followup visit to the legal firm in San Francisco has not yet taken place. We are awaiting permission from the firm. Activity is currently being focused on the specification of an initial user interface for the Diamond prototype. An initial release is planned for the first week in February with an update by the first of March. Jack Newlin has accepted a position with the Common Software Group. He has a strong graphics background and is expected to work with PARC, Applications Software, and Prototype Software groups in integrating graphics into Diamond. He will also help in user interface and data management issues related to graphics and will become familiar with font creation. Betty Burr has not officially accepted our offer but is expected to join our User Interface Group. If she accepts, she will bring a non-technical, trainer's perspective to bear on the design of the DWP user interface and will focus on training problems and approaches (working with OSD personnel). Data Management: The Pilot functional Spec is being reviewed for adaql1acy relative to data management. Also being considered are relationships of data management to memory and process management. To whatever degree seems appropriate, the responsibility for the transaction facilities may be transfered to Data management. Paul McJones is now working full time in this area. llob Ayers will begin to split his time between Tools and Data Management shortly and will transfer entirely once an implementation of the tools environment is well underway. Jack Newlin will also participate in this activity as mentioned above.

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