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Tektronix 1960SC free download

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USEFUL INFORMATION FOR USERS OF TEKTRONIX INSTRUMENTS JANUARY 1960 COFYRIEHT TEKTRONIX. INC. 1960 PRINTED I N U. 9. A. FIELD CONVERSION OF SOME +((Captions in parenthesis apply to Types When adjusting C706 and C735 Trim- 535A and 545A instruments) mer capacitors in the 575's collector sweep TEKTRONIX OSCILLOSCOPES circuit, be sure that the transistor adap- to Use Type 6DJ8 Tubes ter is in place. Tektronix Field Engineer THIS'N THAT All type 6BQ7A electron tubes in Tek- Lee Cooper reports that the small amount tronix T y p e 531, 535, 541, 545, RM31, Type 310 has a typical problem: of capacity introduced by the adapter re- RM35, RM41, and RM45 may be replaced When the high voltage power supply sults in a different setting of the trim- with their more reliable counterpart, the goes out of regulation, the vertical and mers. type 6DJ8, provided certain precautions horizontal gain o r sensitivity is decreased. In early "R" units, some of the power are observed. These tubes have been This has usually been caused by an opeu transistors had what appeared to be un- substituted without making any circuit connection on the printed circuit board ~vorkmanlikesolder connections. T h e first changes. Minor recalibration checks are and almost alxvays seems to be in the power transistors used in the "R" unit required in some instances. In most heater connection to V701A, a 12AT7 did not have tinned leads so were very cases better perforn~ance may be obtained, tube. Usually it turns out to be a separa- difficult to solder. Later transistors have as \veil a s much better reliability. tion of the solder fron-. the copper strip tinned leads, and a good solder job is I on the printed circuit board at the tube being done. socket. Visual inspection, of course, QUESTIONS FROM THE FIELD shows that V701A does not light up. 1. Q . When using the very fast Polaroid? Reports from Tektronix Field Eugi- Land film, why do some exposures

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