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Now downloading free:NOKIA nokia 446pro chass446f 194

NOKIA nokia 446pro chass446f 194 free download

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xx Nokia Display Products Oy P.O.Box 14 FIN---24101 Salo, Finland Chassis 446F 19" High Resolution Colour Monitor 446PRO Contents Service Monitor Dismantling Part List PCB Part List PCB Layout pictures Level 1 1 Main Board module . . . . . . SMA241E SMA241H CRT module . . . . . . . . . . . . . SMY052 SMY052 When re--- ordering manuals, please quote the model name and part number. ZB1680A 02.00 446F Service Contents 1. Product Overview 1.1. Technical Specifications 1.2. Certifications 1.2.1. Safety 1.2.2. EMC 1.2.3. X---ray, emissions, environmental, ergonomics 1.3. Preset Display Modes 1.4. S--Capacitor Table 1.5. Monitor Connection 1.6. User Controls 1.7. Menu 2. Site Preparation 2.1. Location 2.2. Troubleshooting 2.3. Checking the Operation of Power Saver 3. Controlling the Memory for Picture Adjustments 3.1. Memory for User Adjustments 3.1.1. Adjustment 3.1.2. Resetting the User Memory 3.2. Memory for Factory Adjustments 3.2.1. Adjustment 4. Service Mode 4.1. Grouping of the Adjustments 4.2. Service Menu 4.2.1. Access to the Service Mode 4.2.2. Geometry 4.2.3. Grey Scale 4.2.4. Memory settings and Initializing the Replacement IC (IC204 on SMA) 4.2.5. Storing Adjustments 4.2.6. Exit from Service Menu 5. Workshop Maintenance 5.1. Important Safety Notice 5.2. ESD--Sensitive Parts 5.3. Test Equipment 5.4. Test Patterns 5.5. Disassembly 6. Image performance 6.1. Image stabilising time 6.2. Colour temperature and tracking 6.3. White uniformity 6.4. Colour purity 6.5. Luminance 6.6. Image size 6.7. Linearity 6.8. Geometrical distortion 6.9. Jitter 7. Adjustment Procedure 7.1. Adjustment Flow Diagram 7.2. Preliminary Preparations 7.2.1. High Voltage 7.2.2. Coarse Width 7.3. Geometry 7.4. Grey Scale 7.4.1. The Most Dominant Colour 7.4.2. Low Light 7.4.3. High Light 7.5. Maximum/Minimum Contrast 7.6. Focus 7.7. Convergence 7.7.1. Measuring Conditions 7.7.2. Convergence Measuring Gauge 446F

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