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ZENITH hfe zenith lmg340 service en free download

Audio equipment,digital audio, home audio, professional audio systems service manuals and repair information

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Hi-Fi Mini Component System (LMG340) 3 CD Changer & Dual Logic Cassette Decks Personalized Sound Control Versatile playback options with cassette-to- 6 Mode surround system and 9 mode EQ cassette and CD-to-cassette recording (including 1 user mode) for adjustable dynamics 400W Watts of Ultra Clear Dynamic Sound Plays CD & CD-R/RW 3 Way speaker system with 2 channels of Playback of audio CDs as well as CD-Rs 200W sound including woofers and CD-RWs burned from your home PC Extreme Dynamic Surround System Digital Convenience XDSS feature reinforces bass and treble Fluorescent display, remote control, 30 station for powerful surround sound memory for AM/FM tuner and sleep timer function Hi-Fi Mini Component System (LMG340) Rear Connections AMP Output (W/Ch, Rms, 10% Thd) 400W Total AM Volume Type Encoder + Function Selector 4 L - Balance No FM - L R + EQ Mode 9 Mode R Spectrum Band 8 Bar Xdss (Extreme Dynamic Sound System) Yes Dsp Mode No JACK PACK Headphone 1 TUNER Microphone 1 Type Pll Preset 30 Ch ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Clock Yes Cabinet Dimensions Sleep/Timer Yes/Ye

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