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Now downloading free:Intel 98-153D MCS-80 Users Manual Oct77

Intel 98-153D MCS-80 Users Manual Oct77 free download

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File name 98-153D__MCS-80_Users_Manual_Oct77.pdf

OCTOBER 1977 MCS-80TM USER'S MANUAL (WITH INTRODUCTION TO MCS-85TM) The MCS-80TM family of microcomputer components has been greatly expanded since the last version of the MCS-80 manual was published in September, 1975. Over the last two years, expansion of MCS-80 family devices, coupled with the best system development support in the industry, have made Intel's 8080A the industry standard microprocessor. Now Intel introduces the MCS-85 family, an evolutionary system based around the third generation 8085 microprocessor. MCS-85 has all the features of an MCS-80 system with higher performance and lower cost. MCS-85, the next industry standard for new designs. Over forty microcomputer components are described in detail in this manual. Among the newest are: 8251A Improved Programmable Communication Interface 8253 Programmable Interval Timer 8255A Improved Programmable Peripheral Interface 8257 Programmable DMA Controller 8259 Programmable Interrupt Controller 8279 Programmable Keyboard/Display Controller 2716 2K x 8 EPROM, 5 Volt Only 2114 1K x 4 Static RAM 2116 16K x 1 Dynamic RAM 8085 5 Volt Advanced 8080 Processor 8155/56 Combination 256x8 Static RAM, 22 I/O Lines, 14-bit Counter 8355 Combination 2K x 8 ROM, 16 I/O Lines 8755 Combination 2K x 8 EPROM (5 Volt), 16 I/O Lines intel

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